August 3, 1999 This is the information on adding an additional seal to the Transmission Input Shaft on an MT-19A. Possibly just replacing the pinion bearing with a new sealed bearing will do the job, but installing the CR9244 seal while the transmission is on the bench gives additional insurance. If you find any incorrect information or have suggestions, please send them to me. Also, I want to know if this solution worked for you. There is a JPEG file as part of this fix. If you are unable to view it, email me your postal address at and I'll send a copy. ____________________________________ You will need: 1. A replacement pinion bearing. Tom Norman suggests using MRC #206SZZG which has a double seal, and prying out the inner seal to allow the oil to lubricate the bearing. 2. A CR9244 seal from your local supplier. Drain transmission fluid, remove transmission and clutch housing from the motor and separate them. Flush transmission. Remove pinion and pinion carrier. Remove pinion bearing retaining ring and pinion bearing. Charlie Jensen suggests filing a small V-notch (perhaps angled downward towards the transmission) in the bottom of the hole where the bearing is mounted to allow the lubricant to drain back into the transmission. Replace pinion bearing with replacement bearing. Replace pinion bearing retaining ring. Have a 3/16" deep hole bored in pinion carrier to accept CR9244 seal. (Get the diameter from the bearing supplier. My supplier says 1.375".). Have the CR9244 seal inserted in the bored hole with the open end of the seal towards the transmission (seal will protrude some). Polish the pinion shaft area where the CR9244 seal will ride on it. Replace pinion carrier. Use RTV seal around the pinion carrier bolt threads to prevent oil from wicking out. Bolt ‘er up, fill ‘er up, mumble some kind of incantation (such as "Thanks Charlie Jensen, Patrick "Smitty" Smith, Tom Norman, and Dudley Newman").